Thursday, March 3, 2011

Kids Do the Darndest Things!

So watch out for them!

See fullsize image here

Read more after the jump!

Being the oldest of four boys, I can personally confirm that kids can be little devils, so keep an eye on them. Especially is you have lots of expensive equipment lying around. But their tendency to do the unexpected can also lead to some of the most precious images in your set.

Moral of the story- watch the kids with your camera at the ready.

See fullsize image here

The above images were captured during family portraits after the ceremony. I had slipped off to the side to allow family members to grab a few shots only to find this gorgeous little girl making faces and being more interested in me than the army of cameras and family members to my left.

See fullsize image here

The above image was captured as this little girl tried to climb the stairs onto the altar to meet the newlyweds. Sometimes it has a lot to do with luck. I was working with an alien bee strobe off camera, luckily she looked into the light enough for me to illuminate her face. Timing is everything.

Lastly, the final two images were captured during an impromptu dance session. Light provided from an alien bee strobe on the choir loft balcony. Thanks to Radiopopper's JrX system I was able to control the flash's power from my camera.

Remember to follow this blog to see more from my very first wedding!

See fullsize image here

See fullsize image here